Full Featured Booking Software, Automated.

Make it easy on your company, and easy on your customers! No more digging through a calendar. Customers answer just 3 questions.

How many?

Mixing and matching parties of disparate size onto multiple assets is completely automated.

What date range?

Increase booking flexibility by asking for and getting the actual date range the customer is available.

Which trips?

We present multiple trips from multiple assets.
Instead of offering only one trip, we offer many!

Once the information is collected, everything is automatically matched, customers notified and billed, and charters built for you automatically!

Simplicity makes the difference.

Right now, all calendar booking systems have one thing in common. They present the customer with a calendar and all open availabilities, and then let the customer search for, and sign up for the day they wish. We turn that parigram upside down. Instead of presenting a calendar, we simply let the customer tell us 3 things; how many, when, which. That's it, the customer is done. They can go on with thier day now. Our software will do the work for the customer, only better and faster, and most importantly, automatically.

Such a simple change, but the affects are deeper than you think. This shifts the customer away from having to hunt through a calendar, and try and find the right trip on the right day, within the date range they have available.  It also makes it possible for a customer to create multiple trips over multiple days that create huge numbers of iterations. Our software can take these thousands of customers with overlapping date ranges, different head counts, and different trip options, and automatically match them into bookable paid trips.

On the operator side, no charter operator wants to send out an asset that isn't full. If there are 12 slots open, you want 12 people to go on that charter on the same day, not 4 people each over 3 days. This can make the difference between success and failure in an open party charter company.  Our software automatically insures that every asset is fully booked by intelligently grouping signups together into what is most profitable for your company, and automatically handling the matching, notification, payment request, and booking it for you.

Full assets booked at full rate for your company, and fast, effcient, easier booking for your customers.

Lead Capture

We provide html script that you will embed on any page on your site that you like. This will embed a simple questionaire that collects customer contact info, date range, number in party, and the type of trip(s) they are willing to particpate in. This embed is compatible with all site builders, as it is a text based form only. It is also compatible with mobile devices and tablets, for the same reason. In the illustration you can see what signups look like after they have been received by our software.


Upon submission, and before the customer receives confirmation that we received their submission, a live match search is initiated. If there is a match, in which the user submitting there data is the last party required to fill an asset, they are immediately allowed to choose it and pay.  We do this to insure that we present "fill the last spots available" assets first and try and close them with automatch, thus eliminating all post submission matching and closing a deal.

Post Submission Matching

This is where the magic happens! Remember in a traditional platform the customer's goal was eithier able to invest the time and effort into using a calendar layout to find the right trip, on the right day that has enough room and is not empty eithier. Using the traditional Calendar hunt and peck method, many bookings are then lost because a customer is frustrated and they give up. Even if they pick a trip that is on the calendar, that trip may not have enough passengers to be profitable for the operator, and the trip does not run due to lack of participants

Now... with our system, we have a range of dates, and a range of trips that can be matched automatically by our software, with greater precision and speed than any human and with no effort by the customer or the operator. Because we are dealing with ranges of dates and multiple trip options, this greatly increases the chance of a booking, over the traditional means of using a calendar based interface. First, the information is quickly and easily collected from the customer, and then post matching can occur with zero effort or time required by the customer after that.

If an Automatch does not occur, the user is placed in a pool of "active signups" and that pool is constantly analyzed for possible matches. This is where it gets very interesting. There is a limit to how many trips a human can track. Let's do some math. Lets use this example. One person signs up with a date range that is 10 days long, and chooses 3 trips that you offer. 

1 customer signup for 3 trip types over 10 days creates 30 variations (3 trips possible, each of 10 possible days)

1000 customer signups for 3 trip types over 10 days creates 30,000 possible variations.

10,000 customer signups for 3 trip types over 10 days creates 300,000 possible variations.

This is why it is was not feasible, before our software came to be, to only collect customer info and match it by hand. Our software solves this problem. It is impossible for a human to handle thousands of signups without software specifically designed to collect, store, sort, and match this many possible iterations. That is our software, that is what we do. Because we lean on automation, we can switch from the current way "pick and choose" online calendars work, and move to the new era where we just ask those three magic questions. Date Range? Party Size? Which Trips? After the customer  answers, they do not have to hunt and search.... rather they are free to go. You have collected their information with or without a sale, you have removed the need for humans to process it, and the close rate will be higher while error rate near zero. What is not to like? 

Sales Cycle Automation

From signup foward, and throughout the entire sales cycle, all communications and alerts with all customers is completely automated. They receive confirmation when they sign up, when others join their trip, when the trip is full, when it is time to pay, and a final confirmation when it is booked. Our automation systems move signsups from one stage to the next based on very complex rules, and upon reaching each stage they are alerted by both text and sms. You can also see their status at all times.

As you watch charters fill, you can quick look to see who is going, how full it is, the status of confirmation and payment, along with every single automated and human generated message to and from the customer, in chronological order.

Manual Controls

If your company is anything like ours, phone calls come in all the time. Customers want to locate, decide, pay for, and confirm trips on the phone before you hang up. Give the customer what they want. Our operator control panel offers the ability to create in REAL TIME; a new trip from scratch, add participants to existing trips, merge trips together, and manually edit the date range, trip types, or passenger count.  All the while your operator is entering or editing client data, our automated software is wiorking in the background also. As your operators are on the phone with the  customer, they can manually add or edit participants or manually create trips. As they do this, our software sends out payment request and confirms payment with no human intervention, and when the trip is paid by all, it lets you know. After it is booked, it sends confirmation automatically. Even when human operators get involved, the heavy lifting is still done by our software, leaving your operators more time to spend with customers.

Upsell, built in.

By gathering a date range and all possible trip types that a customer is willing to accept, we can then always push all customers toward the most profitable option that is best for your company. As more profitable options are not possible, the system will recommend the next most profitable, and so on. If the day of the trip is withinn a set period of time you can instruct the system to ignore the trip types they choose, and attempt to get them to sign up for any trip that is running within the date range specified.

Post Sales Customer Care

The software treats every past customer, like the best customer. Depending on their sign up options, they may automatically receive offers about upcomming trips similar to the one they just recently went on. The system will automatically as for a reivew after the charter is over. The system will send a newsletter to all customers on a regular basis. And lastly, upon finalization of a charter, the system will automatically send a confirmation email and text as well as a detailed digital receive with all trip details.

Case Studies

To better understand how it works, lets look at an example. Let's use a boat touring company as an example. 

www.sandiegopartyboatfishing.com uses our software with great success to manage thousands of signups. Remember, 1000 signups creates over one hundred possible variations for matching. Without Open Party Software, it would not have been possible to grow their business as fast as they have. Will you be our next success story?

Why does that make us better?

Our software almost completely eliminates all calls related to submission, matching, payment, and confirmation. That means that the only time you or your staff need to spend speaking to a customer is when they have questions about your services. Think about how much time your currently spend chasing down customers, getting them to pay, and getting them the trip info they need to go on the trip they purchased. This part is all automated by our software. This greatly reduced the time needed for customer support, removes human error, and lets you focus on running your business. 

One other great thing about our software, is that even if you choose to keep your current booking software, our software can link to its API and create trips for you automatically. You don't have to leap before you walk through it and see for yourself.

How much does it cost?

Pay as you go! There is an optional setup and training fee, but after that we never charge you unless our software makes a sale for you. The fee we charge will be nominal compared to the cost of human resourdes, time and effort you now save.

0-10,000 gross revenue per month. 10% of ticket sales

10k-50k gross revenue per month.  7.5% of ticket sales

50k-100k gross revennue per monnth 6% of ticket sales

more than 100k gross revenue per month 5% of ticket sales

How do I sign up?

To sign up, please go here.